Thursday, November 6, 2008

Boo to the naysayers...the glass is half full! (David)

Most of the feedback we've gotten from friends and family has been very positive, but a few have been a little "cautious" in their encouragement. I, more than most, can relate to being "hesitant" to embrace new ideas. I have always been quick to see the negative side of everything first. This works well in that one makes few mistakes...but also does very little. I have learned over the years that being quick to say no to everything (especially when the idea takes you by surprise) can make saying no become a habit and easily foster a negative attitude toward life. I tend to find that after I toss the ideas around for a while I start to have a better sense of how to react to them...and how my reaction will be received by others.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

I think you and Sandy compliment eachother beautifully in this regard. People like Sandy (and me!) need a partner who will say..."Let's think about this for a minute".